This native wildflower mix provides great food, bugging, and cover for quail, turkey, other game birds, and songbirds. It also provides great habitat for small and large mammals as well as pollinators. This mix was also designed to be economical. These widely adapted species thrive in most areas except extremely wet or dry soils. Contains 20+ species of wildflowers (also called forbs).
Mix contents: White Beardtongue; Common Black-eyed Susan; Brown-eyed Susan; Gray-headed Coneflower; Pale Purple Coneflower; Upright Prairie Coneflower; Plains Coreopsis; Tickseed Coreopsis; Large-Flowered Gaura; Rigid Goldenrod; Illinois Bundleflower; Roundhead Lespedeza; Partridge Pea; Purple Prairie Clover; Wild Quinine; Rattlesnake Master; Seed Box; Sensitive Brier; Rosin Weed; Ashy Sunflower; Maximillian Sunflower; Ox-eye Sunflower; Sawtooth Sunflower; Hoary Vervain; Yellow Wingstem
Seeding Rate: 10 bulk lbs/acre
Wildflower mixes should be combined with a companion grass mix to provide structure for the wildflowers, additional habitat for wildlife, and to carry a fire if using a controlled burn is desired. Wildflowers do not typically carry fire well. We recommend at least 25% grasses in a planting. Annuals and biennials will bloom first, with perennials typically expressing themselves by year 3.
This mix pairs well with Companion Grass Mix – Dry, Companion Mix – Mesic, and Companion Mix – Wet
Videos About This Mix
To learn more about this mix, check out our videos about it and its uses.