Join us for our next Pasture Walk August 22, 2024!

Growing a Revolution

By David Montgomery

Bringing our soil back to life; discussion of farming practices that are good for farmers and the environment


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“In his reader-friendly style, Montgomery describes the environmental crossroads at which we stand and shows us not only the devastation but the potential solution that exists right beneath our feet.”     -HOPE JAHREN, author of Lab Girl
“In the past couple of years, an awful lot of smart people have started talking very seriously about the state of the planet’s soil. If you want to understand what’s at stake, and learn about the exciting possibilities, this book is a fine starting point.”     -BILL MCKIBBEN, author of Deep Economy
“This is a Sand County Almanac of agriculture, a Walden of loam and tilth, a paradigm-bending journey into the principles that guide the life beneath our feet and thus the life that nourishes us.”     -PAUL HAWKEN, author of The Ecology of Commerce and Natural Capitalism
“Brilliant, well researched, eloquent, and deeply hopeful.”     -DENIS HAYES, founder of Earth Day
“Montgomery has the rare talent of making complex scientific topics not only understandable but truly fascinating. Growing a Revolution is both exceptionally enlightening and tremendously enjoyable. Highly recommended reading.”     -NICOLETTE HAHN NIMAN, author of Defending Beef and Righteous Porkchop
“Being a longtime ‘doom bat’ regarding the fate of the natural world, I was given hope by Growing a Revolution that there is a real possibility of revolutionizing agriculture with the result of growing more food, employing people,
and putting carbon back into the ground.”     -YVON CHOUINARD, founder of Patagonia

Additional information

Weight 1.2 lbs

What is PLS?

Pure Live Seed (PLS) is the portion of good viable seed per pound. It is a measure of the seed that is alive and able to sprout into plants. This product is sold by PLS ounce/pound. To provide one ounce/pound of viable seed, you will receive more than one ounce/pound of product. Read more about PLS here.