A very showy wildflower combination; ideal for dry, rocky areas including sites with little to no topsoil, such as dams, road cuts, and construction sites. To make a site drier, scrape off 3”-6” of topsoil; this will also remove many competing weed seeds. This mix typically grows to about waist high and contains mostly perennials. Changing blooms from Spring to Fall. Plant with Companion Grass Mix. We recommend at least 25% grasses in a planting. Contains 20+ species of wildflowers. Annuals and biennials will bloom first, with perennials typically expressing themselves by year 3.
Mix contents: Sky Blue Aster; Common; Black-eyed Susan; Pale Purple Coneflower; Upright Prairie Coneflower; Plains Coreopsis; Tickseed coreopsis; Slender Lespedeza; Gray Goldenrod; Blue Indigo; Leadplant; Hairy Mountain Mint; Partridge Pea; Fringed Poppy Mallow; Purple Prairie Clover; White Prairie Clover; Wild Quinine; Rattlesnake Master; Sensitive Brier; Shooting Star; Yarrow
This mix pairs well with: Companion Grass Mix – Dry
Videos About This Mix
To learn more about this mix, check out our videos about it and its uses.