Join us for our next Pasture Walk January 23, 2025!

Milkweed, Tall green

Asclepia hirtella

A host plant for monarch caterpillars and a couple moth species; a favorite with bees



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Asclepias hirtella, commonly known as tall green milkweed or prairie milkweed, is a native perennial forb (wildflower) that typically grows to 3 feet tall. Tall green milkweed is distinguished from many of the other species of milkweed by its narrow alternate leaves, greenish-white flower umbels, absence of horns in the flower hoods, and its very floriferous bloom.

Wildlife notes

The flowers of Tall Green Milkweed are cross-pollinated primarily by long-tongued bees and wasps.  To a lesser extent, the flowers also attract small butterflies and day-flying moths. These insects obtain nectar from the flowers. Milkweeds attract a special group of insects that are oligophagous on various parts of these plants. These insect feeders include Monarch Butterfly and Milkweed Tiger Moth caterpillars. Because the milky latex of the leaves and stems contain cardiac glycosides and possess a bitter flavor, they are usually avoided by mammalian herbivores. The White-Footed Mouse eats the seeds of milkweeds to a minor extent, while the Eastern Goldfinch uses the silky hairs of the seeds in the construction of its nests.

Forage notes

Livestock typically avoid milkweeds due to bitterness.

Landscaping notes

Easily grown in average, dry to moist, sandy or gravely, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates part shade. Best in sunny locations with sandy loams. Drought tolerant. Easily grown from seed and will self-seed in the landscape if seed pods are not removed prior to splitting open. Likes hot dry soils but tolerates moist garden soils. Plants will spread by rhizomes but are not considered aggressive. Performs poorly in wet soils. Difficult to transplant because of deep taproot. Butterfly gardens, meadows, prairies, or naturalized/native plant areas. Borders. Cottage gardens. Rock gardens. Seed pods are valued in dried flower arrangements.

Restoration notes

Habitats include dry-mesic railroad prairies, sand prairies, rocky glades, edges of sandy wetlands, roadsides, pastures, and abandoned fields. This milkweed can be found in both high quality habitats and disturbed areas that are sunny.

Additional information

Weight N/A

Packet, Ounce, Pound


Full Sun


Dry, Average



Bloom Month

Jun, Jul


Green, White

Specialty Uses


# seeds/pkt


Packet coverage area

5 sq. ft

Life Cycle


What is PLS?

Pure Live Seed (PLS) is the portion of good viable seed per pound. It is a measure of the seed that is alive and able to sprout into plants. This product is sold by PLS ounce/pound. To provide one ounce/pound of viable seed, you will receive more than one ounce/pound of product. Read more about PLS here.