Tridens flavus, commonly called Purple Top or Grease Grass, is a native perennial, warm season grass. It begins growth in early spring and develops seed stalks from July to September.
Forage notes
Livestock enjoy the foliage in the early stages of growth, but the plant becomes coarse and tough when mature. On native ranges, Purple Top increases as other, more palatable grasses decrease from heavy, continuous grazing.
Wildlife notes
Turkey and quail consume the seeds in the fall, and it provides denning, nesting materials, and cover throughout the year. Deer occasionally eat the young foliage. Purpletop tridens supports several pollinator species. It is a larval host for the crossline skipper, little glassywing, and broad-winged skipper.
Landscaping notes
It typically grows to 30″-48″ in clumps and prefers dry or mesic soil conditions. Plants can be used as a native ornamental grass and are attractive with their reddish-purple inflorescence when planted en masse. It is salt tolerant and does well along roadsides.
Restoration notes
Habitats include woodland openings, savannas, woodland borders, meadows in wooded areas, powerline clearances in wooded areas, limestone glades, fields, roadsides, and areas along railroads. Areas with a history of disturbance are preferred. It does well when used for soil stabilization.
This plant is commonly found in the following mixes:
Buck’s Hangout, Companion Grass Mix – Shade, Dry ‘n Rocky Mix
Videos About This Plant
To learn more about this plant, check out our videos about it and its uses.
Meet the Natives: (Tridens flavus)
Cattle love this underappreciated Warm Season Grass | (Tridens flavus)