Elizabeth Steele teaches what puts “Diverse” in Diverse Native Grassland, and how you can design a seed mix to meet your needs (and your budget) using the four functional diversity groups: Native Warm Season Grasses, Native Cool Season Grasses, Native Forbs, and Native Legumes
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2 Responses
I just watched the diverse native cool and warm season grasses video. That’s what I want. He stated that the pasture hadn’t been fertilized in years—that’s what I want. My plans are for cattle and sheep to be kept together. I would like to build the organic matter in the fields as it’s quite sandy loam type soil. Thank you for content.
That is awesome David, if you need further information please visit our website at HamiltonNativeOutpost.com, or feel free to give us a call. Good luck with your planting.
2 Responses
I just watched the diverse native cool and warm season grasses video. That’s what I want. He stated that the pasture hadn’t been fertilized in years—that’s what I want. My plans are for cattle and sheep to be kept together. I would like to build the organic matter in the fields as it’s quite sandy loam type soil. Thank you for content.
That is awesome David, if you need further information please visit our website at HamiltonNativeOutpost.com, or feel free to give us a call. Good luck with your planting.