Join us for our next Pasture Walk August 22, 2024!

A Diverse Native Grassland in Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter – Green in All Seasons

Take a virtual pasture walk of our Diverse Native Grassland to see how it is green in all seasons. Discover the many different plants that are working together to collect sunlight, keep the ground covered year-round, and provide excellent forage for grazing animals.  In the video, Amy Hamilton shows what is green and growing each season and how the grassland has changes throughout the year

A Diverse Native Grassland Through Spring & Summer

Summary of the Video

This video begins in April as the native cool season grasses and many of the native forbs and legumes begin their growth. Again, Amy ventures into the same pasture in May to see that the native cool season grasses getting taller and the native warm seasons beginning to have substantial growth (this begins at minute 5:20). An August (minute 7:06) visit shows the grassland with significant forage growth and even flowers from the forbs and legumes. Then the cattle come back for a late-summer graze to set up for growth of winter stockpile. As the leaves change colors and after a frost in late October (minute 12:35), Amy evaluates the winter forage stockpile accumulation. Then, finally, the livestock once again return to the field in early March (minute 13:37).

Why does diversity work?

Working through all seasons, Diverse Native Grasslands constantly produce forage and build healthy soil. Above the soil, leaves convert sunlight into energy for livestock. Beneath the surface, shallow roots collect moisture to grow, while deep roots store water to use in drought. Using functional diversity, a planted native grassland follows nature’s own design. Working together throughout the year, the variety of species in a Diverse Native Grassland contribute to a productive, season-long grazing program. Diverse Native Grasslands sustain livestock and change throughout the seasons, yielding warm season during the summer and providing cool season growth for spring, fall, and winter. 

Learn More about Diverse Native Grasslands

If you would like to further explore the concept of a diverse native grassland being green in all seasons, read our previous article, titled “Diversity:  Green in All Seasons”.  And to read about the underground benefits of diversity, read “Diversity:  Roots in All Depths” or “A Diversity of Plants is Stronger Together than Alone: A Look at Roots”. 

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