(Cinna arundinacea) also known as Sweet Wood Reed or Wood Reed Grass, is a native warm season perennial woodland grass that typically grows 3-5 ft tall. This grass is native to wet woodlands, moist ravines, damp thickets and streambanks.
Forage notes
Cattle and other domesticated herbivores will eat this grass, but it is rarely abundant enough in any single area to provide a significant food supply.
Wildlife notes
White-Tailed Deer usually leave this grass alone in wooded areas as they prefer to eat forbs or browse the smaller branches of woody vines and shrubs.
Landscaping notes
The preference is light shade to dappled sunlight, slightly wet to consistently moist conditions, and fertile loamy soil with abundant organic matter. Most growth and development occur during the summer.
Restoration notes
This grass is native to wet woodlands, moist ravines, damp thickets and streambanks. It is commonly found as scattered individual plants or in small vegetative colonies. This species matures later in the year than many other species of woodland grass. By late summer, it often towers above the surrounding ground vegetation.
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